Tactile Comic Book Packs Emotional Punch

tactile comic book for the blind and visually impairedComics are traditionally visual storytelling but Philipp Meyer, an interaction design student at Potsdam’s University of Applied Sciences, wanted to create a new way to enjoy the medium. Long interested in how differences in perception increase other senses, he saw his idea for tactile storytelling as a challenge: how to tell a story that was the same for every reader, no matter their level of sightedness. Everybody told him it was impossible, but this motivated him all the more. After several misfires, Philipp teamed with proofreader Michael Drud, who was born blind and gave invaluable insight to the project. The result, called Life, tells a universal and poignant tale of the cycles of life. Check it out here: A Wondrously Simple, Tactile Comic Book For The Blind

Image description: A comic book lies open on a table and a reader uses his fingers to trace the raised markings in the style of Braille that illustrate the story
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