Warning: Eyes are Portals for Coronavirus Transmission

A man has his eyes checked - eyes can be involved in coronavirus transmissionCOVID-19 – the coronavirus quickly spreading around the world – has infected 1,288,372 people and taken 70,482 lives. It's essential that you understand the ways you can contract the potentially deadly virus. Dr. Bruce Miller, an ophthalmologist, wants men and women to be aware that the eyes can be doorways for the pathogen. It's vital to keep your fingers away from your eyes. If you wear contacts, then start using your eyeglasses again.

"A small percentage of people who test positive for the coronavirus has an associated pink eye or conjunctivitis," Miller says. He adds that, "your doctors are here either at home or via telemedicine, to answer your questions and to get you through this."

San Diego Center for the Blind offers vision rehabilitation services. Please reach out to learn how we can help you or a loved one.

Coronavirus and your eyes: An ophthalmologist shares 5 things you need to know


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