Running Marathons With Blindness

Picture Of Blind Runner53-year-old Tony Duenas lost his sight due to sudden retinal detachment in 2009. The event left Duenas living with total blindness. Fortunately, he does not let total vision loss hold him back in life. In fact, he became an avid runner. Today he engages in running marathons with blindness thanks to the help of a "guide runner." His passion doesn't stop at marathons; Duenas also competes in triathlons.

"Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I would be doing an Ironman or marathons," he said. "Not having sight has given me these amazing opportunities that I would have never had."

Please contact San Diego Center for the Blind if you would like assistance with vision loss or blindness.

"Losing his eyesight unexpectedly triggered a life of fitness, marathons and triathlons"

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