What you should not say to a visually impaired person, from a visually impaired person
A signal for a crosswalk has a yellow button in the middle and Braille text at the bottom.Emily Davison, also known as The Fashioneyesta, is a young woman who lives with severe visual impairment. She blogs and vlogs about fashion, life as a young master’s student and living as a visually impaired woman.
Her blogs often share a part of her life. In this recent video, Emily talks about the things that people have said or done to her because of her visual impairment and suggests ways that we can avoid offending those with limited vision.
What would you add to Emily’s list of things not to say or do to a person who is visually impaired? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
Things you should not say or do to a visually impaired person

Posted in Advocacy for Vision Impaired, Visually Impaired | View Post