BBC Journalist Undaunted by Blindness
blindnessMani Djazmi dreamed of being a journalist, and his dream came true. He hosts World Football for the BBC. What most people who watch his show do not realize is that Djazmi is blind.

Mani’s parents brought him to the United Kingdom at the age of four. His family hoped that western medicine could restore his sight. The operation that Mr. Djazmi had proved to be unsuccessful, unfortunately. However, the trip was the catalyst for moving to the UK, receiving an education, and discovering a passion for European football. Mani reports:

“While we were over for the operation, my parents heard about a mainstream school near the hospital that had excellent facilities and support for disabled children – including blind children. Although none of us could speak English at that stage, we decided to stay.”

His love for football and journalism would propel him on a life journey. Despite critics and naysayers, Mani was undaunted and continued striving for his goals. Blindness could not hold him back.

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“From blindness to the BBC: Djazmi’s football journey”

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