A Comic Book Site Specifically for the Visually Impaired
The word Kapow in red with a blue and yellow cloud to show action as used in comic books. One comic book lover is changing how visually impaired people access comic books with his new site, Comics Empower. The site, when viewed without assistive technology, looks pretty basic, but for the visually impaired, the site is full of comics and stories that come alive.
The site’s creator isn’t visually impaired, but he wanted to share his love of comic books with people who can’t access them in the same way he can. The team consists of artists from around the world including sighted and visually impaired sound artists and writers.
To read more about the site, visit this article. To explore the site itself, visit Comics Empower.
Comics Empower Brings Comic Books Alive for the Blind
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Posted in Advocacy for Vision Impaired, Assistive Technology, Blind Living Skills, Living Blind | View Post