SDCB Management and Financials

Organizational TransparencyPhoto shows a man working on management and financial documents
Conflict of Interest Policy [pdf] SELECT HERE
Document Retention and Destruction Policy [pdf] SELECT HERE
Whistleblower Policy [pdf] SELECT HERE
BOD Minutes 2018 [pdf] SELECT HERE


Audited Financial Statements and Form 990s SELECT HERE

Process for CEO Compensation

The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors meets on an annual basis and determines the compensation for the CEO.

Title VI Compliance

The San Diego Center for the Blind (SDCB) adheres to the Title VI federal regulations that prohibit discrimination by recipients of Federal financial assistance on the basis of race, color and national origin, including the denial of meaningful access for limited English proficient (LEP) persons.

Utilizing data from the 2019 San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Title VI Plan as well as data collected from Center clients, a number of languages were identified as needing vital documents translated into that particular language. The following languages that would require certain vital documents to be translated and made available to consumers were English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Chinese. These documents are available below online and/or upon request by contacting the Center at 619.583.1542 or

Nonprofit Ratings

Guidestar gold

Charity Navigator