Be prepared: fire safety for children who are visually impaired
A campfire burns in a metal containerFor kids who are visually impaired, fire safety may be an abstract concept. Though they can hear the lick of flames on wood, they may not fully understand the danger that can be associated with fire. And in the event of a fire in the home, the senses that visually impaired kids normally rely on may be overwhelmed by the smoke and noise of the alarm.
It’s important to make sure that your children fully understand what fire can do and how to get out of the house safely in the event of a fire.
This link includes a short animated video to help parents and children know what to do to prepare for a fire in the home. This article outlines 8 different tips to ensure that your kids understand fire safety.
Both articles stress that practice is key to prepare kids for what needs to be done if a fire ever breaks out in the home. They also emphasize the need for children to be acquainted with the sound of the smoke alarm so they understand what needs to be done when the alarm goes off.
Do you have a plan in place for your family in case of fire? Share your action plan in the comment section.
Fire Safety for Families with Kids who are Visually or Hearing Impaired
8 tips for teaching fire safety to kids who are blind

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