Facebook’s quest to become accessible to all users and all abilities
Blue bolts of what might be electricity come from a silver sphereFacebook is among a group of large, well-known technology companies who are working to ensure their platforms are user friendly for people with different disabilities.
Over the past year, Facebook has introduced quite a few changes to assist the visually impaired. Most notably is the use of artificial intelligence to create ALT text describing photos that have been posted so that screen readers can read the text to the user.
Facebook is also a part of a number of organizations who are working to ensure that students are learning accessibility options in school before entering the workforce. They believe that this was a big drawback to grads entering the work sphere and are attempting to change this.
Read more about what Facebook and some of the other large online companies are doing to change accessibility in this article.
To learn more about assistive technology and how we can help, please visit our Assistive Tech page.
Behind Facebook’s efforts to make its site accessible to all

Posted in Advocacy for Vision Impaired, Assistive Technology | View Post