Chiropractic Manipulation Leading to Vision Loss
vision lossVisiting the chiropractor is a routine experience for many Americans, but in some cases the results are hardly routine. In fact, forceful manipulation of a person’s neck can result in severe injury, including vision loss.  Yannis Paulus, M.D., a retina specialist at the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center, suggests that people inform their physicians before seeing chiropractors and consider how high-velocity neck manipulation can stress the eyes.

"Chiropractic manipulation has been associated with numerous eye conditions, primarily due to harm of the carotid artery," says Paulus, of a major artery bringing blood to the brain and head.

SDCB can assist people living with vision loss in leading more independent lives. Please contact us to learn more!

Chiropractic Treatment and Vision Loss: Examining the Connection

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