January is Braille Literacy Month
BrailleOn top of Glaucoma Awareness Month, January is also Braille Literacy Month. We celebrate and honor the birthday of Louis Braille, who was born on January 4th, 1809, this month. January 4th was also National World Braille Day. Louis Braille was twelve years old when he discovered the braille code. In the 21st Century, new technology has allowed Braille to be more accessible for people living with blindness.

"You can create a document, you can go to the internet, you can check emails," says Zahia Althabata, Assistive Technology Instructor at East Texas Lighthouse for the Blind. "And you can download books to read."

Please contact SDCB if you need assistance with vision loss or blindness. We offer many innovative programs.

"Celebrating the 'code:' January is Braille Literacy Month"

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