Our Diets Role in Macular Degeneration
macular degenerationThe food we eat changes how we feel. Those who eat healthily tend to feel better and are better able to function in life. An unhealthy diet, on the other hand, can severely impact one’s well-being, and it is associated with myriad health problems. A new book delves into the role that diet plays on our vision.

In his book “Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration,” Dr. Chris Knobbe claims doctors have been taught that macular degeneration “MD” is the result of aging and genetics. He offers up a different explanation. Dr. Knobbe claims that an unhealthy diet is the leading cause of macular degeneration.

SDCB offers several programs and services to assist people living with vision loss; please contact us to learn more.

“North American diet a recipe for blindness”

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