Prevent Vision Loss With Regular Examinations
vision lossSome of the more common eye conditions that can result in vision loss affecting older people include cataracts, age-related macular degeneration or AMD, and glaucoma. It is common for aging people to require glasses to see objects up close, it is a fact that most of us are aware of as being a part of getting old.

While presbyopia – a condition characterized by having difficulty focusing on objects near to you – is a relatively easy condition to correct, that is not the case for more significant disorders. Dr. Rishi Singh, a staff physician with the Cole Eye Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, says “cataracts are the most common cause of visual blindness across the world.” Adding that “we have lots of effective treatments for all these conditions. No patient should feel like they would go blind from any of these conditions. All of them are treatable, and with the proper evaluation and diagnosis and management they can all save sight in these patients over time.”

Our services help people living with vision loss to be independent. Please reach out to us for more information.

“What Seniors Need to Know About Vision Loss”

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