Research Shows A Correlation Between Air Pollution and Eye Disease

SmokestackA recent analysis of eight research studies shows that air pollution can cause these eye diseases:
  1. cataracts
  2. age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  3. glaucoma
San Diego has frequent and prolonged periods of unhealthy air.  In fact, San Diego has 43.3 days of unhealthy ozone each year, compared to the federal target of 3.2 days -- meriting an “F” rating by the American Lung Association. In the last 7 years San Diego has seen its number of unhealthy air days rise by 42 percent.  Light winds and stagnant air, combined with low rainfall and 170+ days annually over 70 degrees, all mesh to create ideal conditions for unhealthy air.

Certain Air Pollutants Associated with Age-related Eye Disease

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