Scientists Tackle a Progressive Eye Disease
eye diseaseDr. Yutao Liu, a vision scientist, is studying keratoconus’ causes; he hopes to discover a way to better diagnose, treat, and prevent this progressive eye disease. Keratoconus is an eye condition that alters the curvature of the cornea, causing people to experience double vision and nearsightedness. The condition affects an estimated 1 in 2,000. The National Eye Institute is helping Dr. Yutao Liu with his research through a $2.1 million grant.

“We want to help patients better understand what is happening to their vision by better understanding how keratoconus happens, and give physicians better points to intervene,” says the scientist in the Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy at the Medical College of Georgia and James and Jean Culver Vision Discovery Institute at Augusta University.

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“Sights are set on better understanding vision-damaging keratoconus”

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