Seeing Again After Fourteen Years of Blindness
blindnessAfter 14 years living without sight, Rev. Philip Dunn can see again! He received a cataracts diagnosis in 2003. Some months later, another eye condition silently crept up, macular degeneration; the disease led to blindness. This past summer a cataract ruptured forcing Rev. Dunn into surgery to have it removed. Following the procedure his doctor said that he may see some light when the eye patch comes off; but, the Reverend saw quite a bit more.

"I went in the kitchen, my wife said, 'Honey, you took the patch off.' I said, 'Yeah.' She said, 'What do you see?' I said, 'I can see you!' She was the first face I saw in 14 years,” Dunn said.

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“Charleston reverend regains sight after 14 years in the dark”

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