Telling the Story of the Blind Community
blindFran Underhill is a volunteer carer for Guide Dogs Queensland; along with her husband, she tends to service dogs when their person is away. But, Fran is also an author who recently penned a series of children's books about a blind teddy bear named Edward and his guide dog Tuesday. Sally Balwin, is the general manager of Braille House, a 121-year-old organization providing reading material to people who are blind. She says that there are not enough authors writing from the perspective of persons living with a disability.

"The blind community, or anybody with a disability, their story is important," says Balwin.

Please contact SDCB if you live in Southern California and are struggling with sight loss. We offer vision rehabilitation services that rebuild independence.

“Edward and Tuesday, a sightless teddy and his trusty guide dog, show blindness is no barrier to adventure”

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