The Fashion Industry is notorious for idolizing only stereotypical “picture perfect” models. In recent years, many people have called for a change. It appears that the call is slowly being heard.
This article highlights three times that people with different disabilities were featured in 2016 from adaptive clothing by brand names to runway models featuring disabilities. It also calls for more of the same in 2017. “According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about one in five Americans live with disabilities”. To not have these people visible in the fashion industry isn’t acceptable and we hope the trend of change grows.
If you are living with vision loss, we have programs that can help you adapt. Visit our Programs page for more information.
3 Times the Fashion Industry Celebrated People With Disabilities in 2016 & Why We Need To Do Better Next Year
A call to the fashion industry to please include people with disabilities
01/04/2017 11:36PM
thanks for sharing it. i really like it. always success.
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