Erich Manser is living with Retinitis Pigmentosa. An avid runner, he sees puddles only as stains and often misses curbs and pylons on the periphery of the road. In order to make participation in the Boston Marathon possible, Erich will be joined by a sighted guide.
This time, he will have different guides for the first and second half of the race. The guides will help to set a comfortable pace, keep him on track and avoid obstacles in his path.
As the article says, “…running a marathon, especially the Boston Marathon, isn’t just about the sights or sounds. It’s about the energy. It’s about accomplishment. It’s about a feeling that doesn’t have to be seen to be believed.”
Learn how we help people living with visual impairment by visiting our Program page.
This marathon runner is going blind, so a guide will help him reach the finish line
Marathon possible with sighted guide
04/18/2016 05:46PM
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