Color Blindness Has An Impact On The World
blindnessColor vision deficiency or color blindness affects millions of people. Most people living with the condition have trouble differentiating between specific shades of reds and greens, or blues and yellows, according to the American Optometric Association. While some people are born with the condition, the condition can arise from disorders like glaucoma or injuries.

A retired University of Maine at Fort Kent forestry and environmental studies professor wrote a chapter about color vision deficiency in a new textbook “Handbook of the Changing World Language Map.” Professor David Hobbins has had an interest in this subject matter since the 1980s. But, he said:

“What really prompted me to study color vision deficiency was in 2008 when I handed a color image to my class in the field and they had to do some interpreting.”

“One of my students said, ‘Dave, I can’t read it,’” Hobbins said. “The labels (on the handouts) were red on a green forest. That got me to starting [sic] to read about color vision deficiency.”

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“Retired UMFK professor shares color blindness findings in textbook”

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