Devin Adams is a Grade 11 visually impaired student with a great big message that she recently shared. “Don’t change your expectations of me because I’m visually impaired.”
She wrote a speech for her English class and then shared it on Odyssey to ensure that her message is heard and understood.
Devin discusses how few people who are visually impaired are employed and how that scares her as a high school student pondering her future. She also mentions how lucky she has been to have a family who believe she can do anything she wants to and don’t hold her back.
Read more about what she has to say in this post.
We have programs that can help you rebuild independence including counseling, training, and vision rehabilitation. Visit our Programs Page to learn more.
Don’t Change Your Expectations of Someone Because They Can’t See
My visual impairment does not mean I can not do anything I set my mind to
02/13/2017 03:21PM
thanks for sharing it. i really like it. always success.
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